Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification (EICC)
Interested in Becoming an EI Coach?
The Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification (EICC) is an intensive program on par with graduate and professional-level studies. The methodology is based on the latest research and insights neuroscience has to offer on how perception and emotions work at a brain-body level and how we can work skillfully with each.
EICC incorporates the following learning components, providing students and their future clients with a unique and evidence-based framework for EI embodiment and growth:
- Get coached by an EI-Certified Coach for 6 weeks
- Coach-supervised coursework and coaching practice
- Online learning, application, and reflection for lasting habit and behavior-change
- Guidance, expertise, and support from an EI Coach & BEI Faculty
- Assessments and real-time feedback on progress
- A comprehensive toolkit of EI practices and micro-techniques adaptable for individuals and organizational clients
- An active global community of peers and experienced coaches to consult with and foster ongoing mutual growth
All who complete the certification requirements will be prepared and authorized to coach clients using BEI’s unique Embodied EI framework.
We’re also happy to report our program officially received Level 1 accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)! Participants who successfully complete all modules of the Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification (EICC) program are eligible to receive 165 ICF credits.
EICC 2024 Timeline & Program Elements
BEI Masterclass: Embodied EI
The BEI Masterclass is a six-week intensive EI coaching and training program in which you’ll be introduced to the science and practice of embodied EI. You’ll experience firsthand getting coached by an EI Coach using the same methodology EICC participants get trained in. The coaching experience is designed for you to examine existing habits and build new, more emotionally intelligent ones. The learning design of the program includes one-on-one coaching sessions, three Masterclass Sessions, and cohort-based online study, practice, and reflection.
This powerful combination will help you:
- Form new habits that will help you embody your own Emotional Intelligence
- Learn to recognize your perceptions to shift your perspective
- Develop your Inner Coach, the source of wisdom from within
- Live in alignment with what you value most
- Work with the mental patterns that are keeping you stuck
- Exercise agency in key moments
The course content draws from how perception and emotion work at a brain-body level. Understanding the practical implications of our design allows us to identify where we have influence in an otherwise largely unconscious process. Becoming aware of what is normally hidden allows us to lead a more intentional life, enriching and deepening our relationship to ourselves, other people, and the planet we live on.
Module Schedule: March 4 – April 12, 2024
Live Sessions: March 4, March 26, April 11 from 9:00 to 10:30 am EST (90 minutes each) time zone converter
Following the BEI Masterclass: Embodied EI module, you’ll attend a virtual residency (live or in-person format to be determined). Here is a sample of topics we will cover:
- Embodied Emotional Intelligence (BEI)
- EI Coaching
- Coaching mindset
- Pure observation vs. deduction
- Essential elements in coaching conversation
- Active listening and practice
- Reflection
- Frame and reframe
- Powerful inquiry
- EI coaching process and practice
- Embodied EI
- The art of holding space and Science of Connection
- MindBody Wellbeing
- Maintaining presence
- Movement & EI
- Energy & Bodywork
- Unlearning & Re-childing
- Unleashing Creative Potential
- Life Lessons
- EI Coaching
Live Sessions: April 19, 20, 21 & April 26, 27, 28 (4.5 hours daily)
ICF Competency Drill & Practice
In this module of your EICC training, you’ll solidify your understanding of each of ICF’s core coaching competencies. This module consists of an online-based training along with group coaching workshops covering ICF principles.
This module can be completed as a standalone course by those wanting to develop their coaching practice and is a requirement for those who are pursuing their EICC certification. You will cover the following coaching theory and practice topics:
- International Coaching Federation (ICF) Core Competencies
- Interactive workshops to practice the concepts you’re learning about through drills, fishbowl coaching sessions, and discussion
Live Sessions: May 7 – June 11, 2024 every Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 am EST (2 hours each)
The 12-Self Discoveries & Peer Coaching is the fourth module of the EICC program. You transition from getting coached and learning about EI coaching methodology to applying what you’ve learned. You’ll be paired up with a fellow EICC peer and an EI Coach over the six-week period.
In these sessions, you’ll coach and be coached. You’ll provide and receive feedback from both your coaching partner and your EI Coach as you hone your EI coaching practice. The coaching sessions take place in conjunction with weekly group coaching workshops in which you’ll learn how to integrate the 12 Self-Discoveries & Journaling, two components that make the EICC approach unique. You’ll journal in response to the 12-Self Discovery journal prompts as part of the 12 Self-Discoveries online learning journey which includes:
- Introduction to the 12 Self-Discoveries in Coaching
- Daily Journaling and response with your coaching partner
- Journal-Based Coaching as a Method and Tool for Uncovering Habits of Mind
Since journaling is a key aspect of what makes the EICC coaching approach unique, during this module you’ll self-reflect and journal daily in response to applying what you learn about each of the 12 Self-Discoveries. You’ll read and respond to your partner’s journal entries, the insights from which you’ll utilize to practice asking powerful coaching questions and integrating these into coaching sessions. You’ll meet for a 1:1 mentoring session with an ICF PCC Level Coach.
Module Schedule: June 17 – July 27, 2024
Session Dates: June 18, June 24, July 2, July 16, July 22, and July 30 from 9:00 – 10:30 am EST (90 minute sessions) time zone converter
During the practicum phase of the certification program, you’ll find 1-2 clients to coach using the EICC methodology and approach you’ve learned throughout the program.
Option #1: You may decide to coach two individuals through the Embodied EI six-week online program, coaching them weekly for an hour.
Option #2: You may decide to coach an individual through the Embodied EI six-week online program, coaching them weekly for an hour.
You’ll coach one person through the twelve-week 12 Self-Discoveries online learning journey, coaching them bi-weekly for an hour.
Option #3: You may choose to coach one person (weekly) through the twelve-week 12 Self-Discoveries online learning journey.
In addition to coaching your clients, you’ll read and respond to their journal entries. You’ll have the option to meet with a small group of your peers to discuss any pertinent coaching questions or topics that may come up. Lastly, you’ll receive 1:1 mentoring from an ICF PCC Level Coach.
Though clients are not required to complete an online assessment, they will be asked to provide candid feedback on their experience of being coached by you.
Though BEI does not get involved in your ICF application, we do provide you with confirmation of your successful completion of the modules that comprise the EICC program, including 10 mentoring hours, which includes a qualifying coaching session for ICF certification purposes.*
* Please note, it may take some participants more than the three 1:1 mentoring sessions. A total of three mentoring hours are provided as part of the program which will hopefully allow participants to obtain a qualifying coaching session. However, for some participants this may not be enough practice and they may decide to seek additional mentoring support from one of our PCC-level mentor coaches, which they will need to pay for separately.
Lastly, each participant will need to complete a final oral exam and written assignment. This step is meant to give you an opportunity to reflect upon and demonstrate your learning and growth throughout the program and readiness as an EI Coach. An EI Coach will be present for your oral exam once you’ve handed in your final written assignment. Additionally, we ask that you complete a peer assessment for your learning partner at the end of module four as well as self-assessments at the close of modules four and five. In turn, your EI Coach will also complete an assessment on your behalf approving you to move onto the practicum phase and at the end of the program to attest to your readiness to graduate.*
*Please note that participants deemed not ready to advance to module five and/or to graduate from the practicum will need to practice coaching more clients until they are ready. It is the participant’s responsibility to find additional clients; though, BEI will certainly help and lend support where possible.
You’ll have the opportunity to receive training and certification to use the Motivational Drivers Behavioral Preferences (MDBP) should you wish to use these instruments with your clients.
Emotional intelligence can positively shape our relationships and our outcomes to the extent we embody its wisdom. When we embody our own EI, it’s a differentiator and game changer in every aspect of who we are and how we lead our lives.
Many have been introduced to emotional intelligence exclusively through the lens of the four EI domains and twelve competencies, a behavioral model derived from the world of business, that serves as a roadmap for how leaders can become even better leaders.
Our intent has always been to democratize EI and translate its wisdom into practices everyone can apply to become kinder, calmer, and wiser. To that end, we’ve drawn from many relevant disciplines, such as cognitive behavioral science, neuroscience, mindfulness, and leadership education to create a rich and transformational learning experience for our clients.
In the years since we first designed and began offering EI programs, the neuroscience of emotion has evolved in ways that are changing how we approach the work we do, the details of which you can read more about in our CEO’s recently published book: Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential.
Suffice it to say, BEI’s programs now reflect and capture a more dynamic and Embodied model of emotional intelligence to keep pace with the emerging science and how we can become more skillful with all of our perceptions—as well as our emotions. Hence, the inspiration for our company’s new name: Beyond EI. We each need to do more than simply learn about EI, we need to embody what it means to be emotionally intelligent. We need to BEI!
After all, what good is a map if we never set foot on the journey or worse yet don’t know how to progress once we do?
Changing any habit or behavior can be challenging. That’s why we’ve created a coaching and training approach that anticipates where our clients (and eventually yours) need support and practice. We’ve integrated evidence-based micro-techniques into a Learn, Apply, Reflect model for our clients to practice what they are learning about while they are learning about it.
Each and every aspect of the EICC program has been carefully designed to bring about lasting habit change and to work with our capacity to embody EI. With the support and guidance of a certified EI Coach, you’ll learn to recognize and act on where you have agency in your own life.
Drawing upon evidence-based techniques, real-time feedback, and an applied coaching model, our aim is simple: to give coaches a framework to help their clients embody their own Emotional Intelligence.
We have crafted a transformational learning journey that brings benefit to you, your clients, and your collective circles of influence—the people, communities, and organizations you serve.
EICC graduates have many opportunities to collaborate and contribute to the work BEI does with individuals and organizations. You can:
- Provide EI Coaching to BEI program participants and clients
- Train to become a BEI Faculty or an Adjunct Faculty Member
- Collaborate at any phase of business development to help develop and consult on projects with BEI’s global portfolio of clients
- Design EI learning programs that blend your EI knowledge and practice along with your area(s) of interest and expertise
- Participate in continued personal development, learning, and connection with BEI’s global and vibrant community of program graduates
- Discover how your hidden thought patterns are influencing your life and your relationships with others
- Learn to recognize your mental models and beliefs and how these influence your perceptions (mostly on an unconscious basis) and how to flip the script to become more conscious of these patterns affecting your reactions.
- Use the highly regarded 12 Self-Discoveries model to identify your mental roadblocks and remove them with new habits of mind
- Learn proven methods for influencing your outcomes, de-cluttering your mind, and shifting your own awareness
We see the role of a coach as that of an advocate and catalyst for the client’s positive transformation. This approach helps clients to:
- Discern what they do and do not have control over within themselves
- Find their personal agency and influence
- Improve their decision quality and outcomes
- See the best in themselves, others, and situations
- Observe the impact their habits of mind have on their outlook and results
- Discover/rediscover what is important to them (e.g., their passion, purpose, and values)
- Understand how they may be getting stuck in their mental patterns
- Learn how to spot and break unproductive habits and behaviors and how to reinforce conducive ones
- Continue to tap into their Inner Coach long after formal coaching is complete
- Find and sustain their emotional wellbeing, even in times of duress or high stress
- Embrace complexity and navigate interdependencies
- Thrive amidst constant change and unpredictability
- Develop a functional understanding of how to embody their own Emotional Intelligence
- Brings a point of view, confirms hunches, and is okay being wrong
- Is direct and respectful, on the one hand, and kind, calm, and clear on the other
- Creates personal safety and is emotionally available
- Is fluid and adaptable and not overly prescribed or mechanical
- Has impeccable Embodied EI listening skills and models emotional maturity
- Is able to see relevant patterns and bring them to the client’s attention in a thoughtful, nonjudgmental manner
Curious learn more about our upcoming EICC Cohort 6?
Meet the EICC Faculty
S. Michele Nevarez
After working 25+ years in business, Michele completed her Master of Science degree at Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management, where she studied with David Cooperrider, Chris Lazlo, Melvin Smith, Ron Fry, and Richard Boyatzis. Subsequently, she had the opportunity to work with Dr. Richard Davidson, his team at Center for Healthy Minds, and the University of Wisconsin School of Business, and then with Daniel Goleman. Michele co-founded and led as the CEO of Goleman EI, which has since rebranded its name to Beyond Emotional Intelligence (BEI). She and her small team at the time designed and launched the Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification (EICC) program along with the Foundational and Relationship Skills EI learning paths in 2018 with the aspiration to democratize the practice of EI.
She has since authored many articles and chapters of books on the topic of EI & Leadership and most recently wrote Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential published by Wiley in November of 2021.
Other EICC Faculty & Adjunct Faculty Members
Daphne Laan
Daphne Laan is a changemaker with 20 years of experience in leadership & business development in Technology, Media & Social Impact. Daphne is the Co-Founder of The Board Whisperers. Their vision is a world where businesses are led by the heart, not the bottom line. The Board Whisperers help founders, boards and executive teams thrive by transforming their most pressing challenges, vision or strategy into inspiring action.
As Industry Head of Technology at Google NL Daphne undertook an experiment: What happens if you follow your heart in business and fully embrace the things you enjoy? Then doors open unexpectedly…She became lead for Women@Google to empower women in tech. After Google she became Managing Director of The Down to Earth Collective and is now board member of the Foundation. DOWN to EARTH started with a documentary that premiered at the UN Climate Conference in Paris before negotiators came together and has become a global movement. Daphne holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, with a specialization in Management of Information Technology, a PGO in Executive Coaching at Ashridge Business School and a PGO Team Coaching at VU University in Amsterdam. With her work Daphne creates space for freedom in thinking, doing and feeling.
Deepak Ramola
Deepak Ramola is the Founder and Artistic Director of Project FUEL, an organisation that documents and designs human wisdom. He also served as the Kindness Ambassador for UNESCO MGIEP.
Deepak’s award-winning methodology has been recognized as the world’s top 100 innovations in education and has also been adopted by the Education Board of Antwerp in Belgium, Nepal, and Pittsburgh, USA.
He is also a published author of two books.
Carle Paul
Carle Paul is physician and professor of Medicine at Toulouse University and Hospitals, Toulouse, France since 2006. He is a certified Emotional Intelligence (EI) Coach since 2018 and was part of the first cohort of the Daniel Goleman EI coaching program. Carle studied leadership development with Georges Kohlrieser at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland and graduated from the High performance and Advanced High performance leadership curriculum. In collaboration with Michele Nevarez and her team, he developed a European leadership development curriculum specific for physicians including one-to-one coaching.
He is member of the National University Council (CNU) responsible for mentoring and developing candidates to Professor and Associate Medicine Professors positions in France since 2015. His areas of interest are emotional impact of skin diseases and leadership development.
Bao Nguyen, PCC, ITCA-P
Step into the world of Emotional Intelligence (EI) with Bao Nguyen, an ICF-certified PCC coach, EMCC-certified ITCA-P coach, and a faculty member at Beyond EI’s EICC program. Bao merges a rich coaching background with a profound grasp of EI, drawing from his cross-cultural leadership experiences, including roles such as Chief Growth Officer at LCL, Internal Leadership Coach at ManpowerGroup Vietnam, and Head of L&D at Nielsen’s RMS Department.
With over a decade in L&D and 13 years in business consulting, Bao has delivered over 2,300 coaching hours and 22,000 training hours, fostering leadership growth in MNCs and local firms. His coaching interweaves technology, business acumen, and artistic insights, enabling clients to unveil their “deep blue sky” of potential amidst life’s complexities.
As a pioneer in his field, Bao’s contribution to the EICC program includes a comprehensive toolkit of coaching practices, fostering lasting EI habit and behavior change. He is committed to nurturing a global community of peers, fostering mutual growth and shared wisdom.
Embark on a journey with Bao at Beyond EI, where you’ll emerge not just as a certified EI coach but as an embodiment of emotional intelligence, ready to influence and inspire.
Matt Taylor
Matt is the founder of Noble Story Group. He has coached and trained hundreds of education and non-profit leaders over the last 15 years, from CEOs to school principals.
Matt’s 5 Square methodology is used as an anchor leadership development tool in non-profit organizations, school leader development programs, and executive coaching programs across the country. Matt began his leadership career at Amistad Academy Middle School after ten years of teaching. During Matt’s tenure as principal, Amistad distinguished itself as the #1 middle school in Connecticut for African American student achievement. Matt earned his B.A. in History from Carleton College, an Ed.M. in School Administration from Harvard Graduate School of Education, PCC coaching certification from the International Coaching Federation, and Goleman EI’s Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification. His first book, The Noble School Leader, was released in April Jossey-Bass Publishers.
It is a workbook that makes my EI-based 5-Square coaching approach accessible as a self-guided practice for leaders and especially education leaders. It is also meant to be an intervention in mission-driven sectors to center social-emotional leadership in leadership competency development. My hope is that the book, like 5-Square coaching, can spark hope, reduce suffering, increase equity and inclusion, and help leaders and the people they lead thrive in their work and their lives. There has never been a more crucial time for leaders to cultivate the social-emotional conditions for learning and growth than now. I believe this book will be a unique tool for building the leadership competencies to do just that.
Camron Momyer
Camron is a Reiki Master and Energy Intuitive with many years of experience teaching yoga and body-based meditation.
She holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Colorado College where she studied Christian Mysticism and spent time living with monks and nuns in Ireland.
She later studied yoga and Vedic philosophy in India for several months where she earned the first of her yoga teaching certifications.
Camron went on to earn an M.A. from Antioch University where she studied holistic systems and the connections between things.
She opened the doors of Soul Sourced Reiki and Intuitive Healing in 2015. Through one-on-one sessions and group classes she helps clients to identify, shift, integrate, and release energy blockages and imbalances.
After working with Camron, people consistently report a greater sense of connection, clarity, purpose and well-being.
Gianna Cassetta
Gianna has been a teacher, a school founder and leader, and a district-level leader. As someone who places the learner at the heart of her practice, she co-authored three books about the social and emotional development of young people and the adults who care for them: Classroom Management Matters: The Social and Emotional Learning Approach That Children Deserve, No More Taking Away Recess and Other Problematic Discipline Practices, and The Caring Teacher: Strategies for Working Through Your Own Difficulties with Students.
Gianna is a certified Beyond EI (formerly Goleman EI) Emotional Intelligence Coach and an International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach. She founded The Plain Red Horse Coaching and Consulting, where she supports parallel and equity-focused pathways to social and emotional development for children and adults. She is also the co-founder of Rooted ei with Estrella Dawson, where they support people and organizations by cultivating equity, belonging, and antiracism through emotional intelligence.
Estrella Dawson
Estrella is an executive coach who supports leaders in reaching their highest potential, creating conditions for equity, dismantling oppressive systems, and leading with love. She applies an emotional intelligence lens to open up new possibilities for change in people and systems.
Estrella has a BA and a MEd from UCLA. She holds an ACC credential through the International Coaching Federation and has received certification and training through the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program, HeartMath, the Mindful Leaders Project, and the National Equity Project and has a certificate in Embodied Social Justice. She is the founder of Estrella Dawson Coaching and Consulting, offering 1:1 and group coaching, and facilitation on emotional intelligence, strategies for building resilience, and the inner work of equity and justice. Estrella is also the co-founder of Rooted ei, in collaboration with Gianna Cassetta, which offers coaching, facilitation, and assessments to support people and organizations in cultivating equity, belonging, and antiracism through emotional intelligence.
Time Commitment & Investment
Each Module of the EICC Training is a pre-requisite to the next for those completing the full certification program.
There are six months of programming that include online coursework and live sessions. Following that you will continue to work towards your certification by putting your coaching skills into practice with your own client(s). You will continue to work with your EI Coach during this time. It is possible to complete all of the certification requirements in as few as eight months; however, the exact timeframe is largely dependent on how quickly you complete the various modules and components of the program, including the coaching practicum for which you’ll find and coach 1-2 client(s).
The tuition for the program is commensurate with the rigor and level of coaching guidance students receive from certified EI Coaches and BEI Faculty throughout the certification process. BEI has created a program whose value from a monetary and educational standpoint far exceeds the cost of tuition.
You may choose to purchase the program in full upfront and receive a substantially discounted price. The other option should you wish to complete the full EICC is to pay for each module as you go, allowing you to spread your payments out.
Those who either do not wish to pursue or aren’t sure yet whether to pursue their EICC certification can register for the modules that are of interest on a standalone basis, as individual courses, provided they have met the pre-requisite(s) to join.
Note: BEI online courses are in English; however, many of our coaches are fluent in various languages. Please inquire if you have specific questions on working with a coach in another language.
Program Cost: $13,500 $11,475 (15% off)
A value of $14,750 when purchased separately.
Program Cost: $3,500
A value of $4,735 when purchased separately.
What Our Graduates Are Saying
EICC Now Offers the Option of A Remote Residency
Based on the feedback we received from those interested in obtaining their EI Coaching Certification, we have the option for a remote residency versus an in-person residency. While we believe there is tremendous value in an in-person format for the residencies, we realize much has changed in people’s personal and work lives as well as financial circumstances. For that reason, we began offering the residency in this format. Should there be enough interest in the future for an in-person format, we are happy to explore offering that option again.
We Rebranded the Name of Our Company
While we are the same legal entity, we rebranded from Goleman EI to Beyond EI (BEI) last year coinciding with the release of our CEO’s new book, Beyond Emotional Intelligence, which captures the heart of our embodied approach to EI; hence the acronym, BEI. Despite our decision to move away from using the Goleman brand, we remain deeply grateful to Daniel Goleman for his significant contribution to the field of Emotional Intelligence and for allowing our programs a chance to get off the ground through the initial licensing of his brand.
Since that time, much has evolved in the study and practice of EI, starting with our collective understanding of how emotions work at a brain and body level. Our work at BEI has naturally pivoted to keep pace with the latest neuroscience research and include new tools, methods, and practices that allow us to embody what it means to be emotionally intelligent. To that end, the curriculum of the online portion of the EICC program has been updated and refreshed to account for the implications of these insights. Additionally, the ICF portions of the program have been updated to reflect the latest ICF coaching rubric.
Moving from Behavioral-based EI to Embodied EI
In past cohorts, the EICC program was framed through the lens of the Goleman-Boyatzis model of EI, consisting of four domains and 12 competencies. It is a behavior-based competency model that has been around for 25 + years and is a presentation of EI that many are already familiar with, if not fluent in. In fact, it’s not dissimilar from many leadership competency models upon which performance evaluations are often based and from which it was initially researched and inspired.
Behavioral-based leadership models effectively serve as a guide or roadmap and are useful for that reason, but they don’t necessarily provide us with the specific tools, methods, or practices to gain proficiency in each domain or competency, which consist of performing many skills and behaviors well. It turns out describing what it means to be emotionally intelligent isn’t sufficient in and of itself to effect lasting habit or behavior change. However, understanding the importance and impact of becoming more emotionally intelligent can be an impetus to motivate us to undertake the skills and practices to embody them. Only through consistent practice and application of emotional intelligence in varied contexts and situations do we find ourselves in a position to embody its wisdom. We don’t suddenly become emotionally intelligent once and for all, which is why we approach the topic from an embodied or lived standpoint versus a theoretical or largely intellectual basis.
Online EI Learning Journey
BEI refreshed our online curriculum to include new paradigms of practice that take into account the evolving neuroscience research on perception and emotion and how we can focus on what we actually have influence over relative to each. The design accounts for participants’ need to experiment, reflect, and adjust their approach as they apply what they’re learning about in a variety of contexts. Ultimately, we each need to be able to work skillfully not only with our emotions but with all of our perceptions in an integrated, embodied approach.
The new online paths are anchored within the practical application of EI and the wisdom of the 12 Self-Discoveries, which are at the heart of what has always set the EICC coaching model apart from other coaching approaches. So often we fall into the trap of trying to change our outer habits and behaviors without bothering to look at and address our underlying habits of mind that deeply influence our mental outlook and emotions.
For those who would like to enroll in our upcoming cohort of EICC, the next opportunity to participate in the first module the BEI Masterclass I will be from February 15 – March 29, 2024. To learn more detail and register, follow this link: BEI Embodied Emotional Intelligence Masterclass