Beyond EI’s mission is first and foremost to be an agent of world benefit.

We work with individuals, teams, and organizations to do the same.

“Michele Nevarez, CEO of Beyond EI had the honor of participating along with other experts in the field in the first UN-sponsored Emotional Intelligence Event in May of 2019, “Unlocking your Emotions to Achieve the SDGs”.

Since 2018, 22,000 people and counting have gone through our online Emotional Intelligence training programs

Since we launched our EI Coaching and Training programs:

Certified Coaches

  • 275 people from 25+ countries have trained with BEI to become EI Coaches and Meta-Coaches

  • Many of our EICC graduates serve as coaches and faculty for BEI’s programs and global portfolio of clients
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  • 750 people and counting have received coaching from our EI Coaches

  • BEI provides both 1:1 and group coaching to individuals and organizations
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  • Have participated in our Leader-Level programs Globally

  • Our clients come from all sectors and across industries (Healthcare, Wealth Management, Tech, Banking & Lending, Pharma, and Telecommunications)
  • The European Academy of Dermatology & Venerology (EADV) has sponsored four cohorts of Physicians from around the globe to complete the Leadership Development Programme led by BEI
  • Whittier Trust selected their top talent to complete the Leader-Level Coaching & Training with BEI
  • Social Benefit:

    During the pandemic we provided free access to resilience training to 25,000 + people

    We had the honor and privilege to speak at the United Nations on the topic of Unlocking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) using the insights and wisdom of Emotional Intelligence

    Hear our CEO, S. Michele Nevarez’ talk at the United Nations:

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    Explore your true potential, and BEYOND!

    Learn how to listen to your Inner Coach and place trust in your own wise counsel. Experience first-hand what it looks and feels like to embody your own capacity to be emotionally intelligent!

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