Get Coached
Get Personalized Support From an EI Coach
The Emotional Intelligence coaching program is a guided journal-based learning experience. Your dedicated EI coach will work with you to develop EI habits, deepen your personal and professional relationships, and unlock your potential.
Our Methodology
Beyond EI Coaching combines the best of what we understand about creating meaningful and lasting habit change. We combine online learning, practical application with journaling, and EI coaching.
Our Value
EI Coaching is an investment in yourself. Many of us are willing to take the time to go on vacation, but when we return—albeit more refreshed and rested—whatever our habits were before we left are the habits we return to, including our relationship with burnout, stress, and renewal. By investing in EI Coaching you are building your capacity to increase what you have influence over and to make positive and lasting changes within yourself, which can’t help but have a positive ripple effect on all areas of your life at work and home.
Ignite the change you want to bring about in yourself and your life through Emotional Intelligence (EI) coaching. Our unique, journal-based coaching approach gives you the tools and practices to develop new habits. By actualizing your potential, you will accelerate your career and life trajectory and be equipped to bring about the changes you most wish to see in your life.
Using our EI method and the 12 Self-Discoveries, our coaches are trained to help you catalyze transformational growth by helping you spot where you may be getting stuck and how to shift the habits of mind getting in the way. Over the course of 12 weeks, your coach will help you:
- Understand the connection between your beliefs and your outcomes
- Identify and transform your self-limiting beliefs
- Create a mindset that helps you achieve your desired impact and results
Make an investment in EI Coaching, your future self will thank you!
Many of us are willing to take the time to go on vacation, but when we return—albeit more refreshed and rested—whatever our habits were before we left are the habits we return to, including our relationship with burn out, stress, and renewal. By investing in EI Coaching you are building your capacity to increase what you have influence over and to make positive and lasting changes within yourself, which can’t help but have a positive ripple effect on all areas of your life at work and home.
What Makes Our Approach Unique?
Embodied Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Emotional intelligence can positively shape our relationships and our outcomes to the extent we embody its wisdom. When we embody our own EI, it’s a differentiator and game changer in every aspect of who we are and how we lead our lives.
Many have been introduced to emotional intelligence exclusively through the lens of the four EI domains and twelve competencies, a behavioral model derived from the world of business, that serves as a roadmap for how leaders can become even better leaders.
Our intent has always been to democratize EI and translate its wisdom into practices everyone can apply to become kinder, calmer, and wiser. To that end, we’ve drawn from many relevant disciplines, such as cognitive behavioral science, neuroscience, mindfulness, and leadership education to create a rich and transformational learning experience for our clients.
In the years since we first designed and began offering EI programs, the neuroscience of emotion has evolved in ways that are changing how we approach the work we do, the details of which you can read more about in our CEO’s recently published book: Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential.
Suffice it to say, BEI’s programs now reflect and capture a more dynamic and Embodied model of emotional intelligence to keep pace with the emerging science and how we can become more skillful with all of our perceptions—as well as our emotions. Hence, the inspiration for our company’s new name: Beyond EI. We each need to do more than simply learn about EI, we need to embody what it means to be emotionally intelligent. We need to BEI!
After all, what good is a map if we never set foot on the journey or worse yet don’t know how to progress once we do?
Coaching with the 12 Self-Discoveries
The 12 Self-Discoveries are unique to our EI coaching methodology we teach as part of our certification programs. They offer clues and insights into who we are and why we do what we do. They function as an internal barometer for our triggers, emotional patterns, and mental habits. Ultimately, they provide a clear path to uncover and work with our habits of mind and patterns of action and response, giving us the possibility to exercise our own agency at key moments in our lives. The 12 Self-Discoveries provide a framework and foundation from which you and your clients can begin to recognize unhelpful patterns and create new habits that are more helpful:
- Discover how your hidden thought patterns are influencing your life and your relationships with others
- Build Emotional Intelligence as you learn to recognize your reactions, perceptions, and value systems
- Use the highly regarded 12 Self-Discoveries model to identify your mental roadblocks and remove them with new habits of mind
- Learn proven methods for influencing your outcomes, de-cluttering your mind, and shifting your own awareness
We take the position that a great coach provides the following to their clients:
- Brings a point of view, confirms hunches, and is okay being wrong
- Is direct and respectful, on the one hand, and kind, calm, and clear on the other
- Creates personal safety and is emotionally available
- Is fluid and adaptable and not overly prescribed or mechanical
- Has impeccable Embodied EI listening skills and models emotional maturity
- Is able to see relevant patterns and bring them to the client’s attention in a thoughtful, nonjudgmental manner.