The Exponential Individual Playbook

The Exponential Individual Playbook

Our guests this month, Ann Boothello and Eric Patel, are co-founders of Exponential Individuals (ExI), the leading global ecosystem for human transformation solutions and community support. They recently announced the launch of their first collectively created book: The Exponential Individual Playbook: Live Your Best Life, Transform the Human Spirit and Better the World. 

In this unscripted conversation, Tony Saccardi, our host, will talk with Ann and Eric about: 

  • What they learned from their work with Exponential Organizations, looking at how organizations can exceed their transformational goals by leveraging exponential technologies to dramatically scale their growth in a purposeful way. 
  • Possible pathways to explore for you to be at your best, moment by moment, and to live a more harmonious life. 
  • Best practices and lessons learned from their own personal and professional experiences and lifelong journeys. 

The conversation is scheduled for 30 minutes and the final 15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A. 

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Learn about the speakers

Tony Saccardi is an Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach, Professional Co-Active Coach, and meditation teacher. His experience includes 25+ years in the corporate world, working as an IT consultant and technology director. His favorite hobbies are ocean diving, traveling and acting. 

Ann Boothello is an impact-for-good entrepreneur, author, speaker, coach, poet, dancer and philanthropist. She focuses on building initiatives that serve in upgrading society’s concept of wealth and well-being. She serves as co-founder of Exponential Individuals, Co-director at Unit Ventures Web3 Accelerator and Chief Culture Officer at BostonExO. Her passion lies at the intersection of consciousness, art and technology.  

Eric Patel serves as co-founder at Exponential Individuals and Chief Innovation Officer at BostonExO. He’s a 5x startup company founder helping the ExO Economy bring the EXOS token to market. Eric holds certifications in QA, project management, innovation, agile, scrum and ExO. He serves as an ambassador for OpenExO, Purpose Alliance and Rutanio and as a mentor with Queens College Tech Incubator. 

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