Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness

Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness 

Many people are familiar with the wide-ranging benefits of mindfulness for mental and physical well-being. Research suggests that mindfulness reduces stress, builds resilience in the face of setbacks, and helps people manage their emotions more effectively.  However, few people realize that training in mindfulness is also one of the easiest ways to increase your Emotional Intelligence. Anyone interested in developing EI competencies must understand the connection between mindfulness and emotional intelligence, especially coaches who want to help their clients practice EI.  In this unscripted conversation with host, Tony Saccardi, and Bernie Schreck will talk about: 
  • The connection between mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence 
  • Easy and practical ways anyone can cultivate mindfulness 
  • His soon-to-be released Mindfulness Course: “The Missing Manual for Your Mind”
The conversation is scheduled for 30 minutes and the final 15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A. 

Learn about the speakers

Tony Saccardi is an Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach, Professional Co-Active Coach, and meditation teacher. His experience includes 25+ years in the corporate world, working as an IT consultant and technology director. His favorite hobbies are ocean diving, traveling and acting. 

“Inner development through mindfulness is my greatest passion in life. I have been very fortunate to study with some of the world’s best teachers of mindfulness and emotional intelligence. This has helped me personally tremendously in dealing with stress, healing trauma, overcoming anxiety, overcoming periods of depression, and living a successful, fulfilling and meaningful life. With my extensive training and 30+ years of expertise in teaching, I can skillfully guide you to do the same and achieve your goals.” 

Bernie Schreck, M.A. 

Founder & President of MBEID (Mindfulness-based Emotional Intelligence Development) 
Goleman EI Certified Coach 
Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Certified Teacher 
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher

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